Which Category is Best for you?


Contestants may enter in up to THREE Categories.

You may compete in 1 category more than once.

  1. Swedish Massage

  2. Sports Massage

  3. Wellness Massage

  4. Thai Massage

  5. Eastern Freestyle Massage

  6. Western Freestyle Massage

  7. Chair Massage

  8. Facial Massage

  9. Body Contouring

  10. Student/New LMBT (under 2 years)

  11. Clinical Challenge

1. Swedish Massage:

Please declare if you are doing Western Swedish or Classic European Swedish. Classical European Swedish is not a recognized IMA sub category, but it is the original Swedish massage and the original “Orthopedic Massage.”

A. Western Swedish: This modern version (late 1800s-now) of Swedish massage should contain the basic techniques Effleurage, Petrissage, Tapotement, Friction and Vibration.

•Declare “relaxation” or “therapeutic.” Tools are allowed (recommended for maximum 20%)

• Stretching and forearms are allowed (recommended for maximum 20%). If you are using more than 20% tools, forearms or stretching, then you need to be in the Wellness Category.

• Is mostly performed on a massage table, but can be done on a floor mattress

• If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category. Innovation will be a big criteria with this sub-modality. This sub-modality is effectively “Western Freestyle Light” with less stretching flare and less new innovative techniques, or “Wellness” with less tools and flash.

B. Classic European Swedish Massage :

This original Swedish modality was developed by 2 founding-fathers Ling, Metzger, Mennell and Cyriax (codified and canonized mid 1700s to the mid 1900s).

·         It uses the basic techniques above.

·         Direction of fluids is guided by the “Uncorking-the-bottle” theory (Mennell).

·         Depth of tissue is guided by the progressive Three Degrees of Petrissage and range of motion.

·         In this category there are no tools, no stools, no stretching, no forearms, no kneeling.

·         Techniques should be complete, clean and flow seamlessly from one technique to another.

·         Ergonomics are extremely important - no ankle shearing, ulnar pressing, wrist extension/carpal pressing or leaning on the table.

·         Tai Chi stance/posture/movement while being grounded to the earth is integral (Ling).

·         Tapotment timing should make sense and contain multiple hand postures to fit the area and purpose.

·         Declare “relaxation” or “therapeutic.” Innovation is not as important as perfect technique, flow and ergonomics in this sub-modality.

2. Sports Massage:

Please declare that you are doing either pre-event, post-event or maintenance.

• Stretching and mobilization of joints in combination with massage techniques is allowed (recommended for maximum 30%)

• Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 30%)

• It is mostly performed on a massage table or mattress * If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category

3. Wellness Massage:

It includes all services that are provided in spa and wellness centers such as Cellulite therapy, Hot stones massage, Bamboo and other wellness techniques.

• Stretching is allowed

• Mobilization of joint is allowed

• The use of special equipment like stones, bamboo, cups is allowed

• It can be performed on a massage table as well as on mattress

• If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category.

4. Thai Massage:

Techniques used in this style aim to relaxation and to the treatment of musculoskeletal as well as psychological issues.

• Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 20%)

• Stretching is allowed

• The receiver is mostly fully clothed

• The use of oil is allowed (recommended for maximum 20%)

• It is mostly performed on a mattress but can be done on a massage table

•Mobilization of joint is allowed

• Shoes is not allowed in Thai massage

• If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category

5. Eastern Freestyle Massage

Techniques that are derived from Eastern massage styles such as Shiatsu, Thai massage, Tui na, Acupressure and Reflexology as well other Asian techniques.

• Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 50%)

• Stretching is allowed

• Mobilization of joint is allowed

• The use of oil is allowed

• It is performed on a mattress or on a massage table

• If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category


6. Western Freestyle Massage:

Techniques that are derived from Western massage styles such as Swedish massage, Myofacial release, Muscle energy techniques, Sports massage, California massage and other Western techniques.

• Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 50%)

• Stretching is allowed

•Mobilization of joint is allowed

• The use of oil is allowed. It is performed on a mattress or on a massage table

• If on Massage Chair the participant should choose the Chair massage category.

7. Chair Massage:

The style is mostly performed with the receiver on a special chair. Techniques that are derived from both Western and Eastern inspired massage techniques such as Sweidsh massage, Thai massage, Shiatsu, Hot stones, as well as many other techniques.

• Use of tools is allowed

•Stretching is allowed

• Mobilization of joint is allowed

• The use of oil is allowed

8. Facial Massage:

It is performed on a chair Facial massage table.  It includes all Facial techniques such as Kobido, Japanese Facelifting, Swedish, Wellness as well as many other techniques and services that are provided in spa and wellness centers.

• Use of tools is allowed

• Stretching is allowed

• Mobilization of joint is allowed

• The use of oil is allowed

• Massage of neck, chest and arms is allowed (recommended for maximum 20%)

9. Body Contouring

New IMA category to be debuted at the WMC 2024 - no information available at this time. 



10. Student/New LMT (under two years):

This is not an IMA category. It is a new USAMC approved category. You may use any IMA-modality (categories 1-9 above) or combination of techniques while competing under this category heading. Your scores for this category will be ranked nationally under “Student/New LMT” and not under the modality that you decided to use.

11. Clinical Challenge Category

This is not an IMA category. It is a new American Competitive Massage Alliance approved category. You may use any IMA-modality (categories 1-9 above) or combination of techniques while competing under this category heading. Your scores for this category will be ranked nationally under “Clinical” and not under the modality that you decided to use.

You must show that you can …

● Assess and treat a problem area

● Demonstrate/explain how and why the treatment type was a good choice

● Exhibit efficacy

● Assess the receiver's health/condition and develop an appropriate on-the-fly treatment protocol. This can be done through a written intake, verbal intake, physical assessment, and other metrics needed. Tools, computers, and resource manuals may be used.

● Execute an appropriate protocol for the client’s pathologies and/or deficiencies reported or discovered.

● Reassess the receiver after the treatment (efficacy) and communicate a further treatment plan if needed.

** The judges will then interview each therapist privately for approximately 5 minutes or less.

• The therapists may show any assessment tools or post-treatment evaluations and/or follow-up documentation at this time.

• The judges will ask relevant questions to the therapist such as:

1. What was the client’s complaint or Area of Focus (AOF)?

2. What specific techniques did you use?

3. What did you find? Were there any surprises? How did that alter your original treatment plan?

4. Did you fix the problem (pain scale)?

5. What SPECIFIC instructions or recommendations did you ACTUALLY give your client?